Regenerative Farming


Opa & Oma

So How Do We...

"Leave It Better"

Today, we believe the answer is modifying the way we manage our trees and embracing Regenerative (“Sustainable”) Agricultural practices. In order to:

  • Remain competitive & profitable
  • Rebuild soil health
  • Manage a sustainable farming operation
  • Satisfy customer concerns about the environment
  • Grow healthier, and more natural crops

The Sustainable Agriculture Revolution

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

According to U.S. Code under Title 7, 2011, "Sustainable Agriculture" is an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long-term—

  • Satisfy human food and fiber needs;
  • Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends;
  • Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls;
  • Sustain the economic viability of farm operations; and
  • Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.

Regenerative Agriculture

Cheyenne pecans at shuck split growth stage

The Benefits of

Regenerative Ag

Our goals For


Ariel view of the Comal Pecan Farm today

Manage Water & Prevent Erosion

Resource Management

Water Conservation

Water is critical to all aspects of pecan farming. Pecans require 2 inches of rain per week. We supplement natural rainfall with controlled irrigation. Our water usage is managed aggressively.

  • Calibrated micro-sprinklers accurately deliver water to reduce waste and runoff
  • Leaks and broken pipe are fixed timely
  • Runoff and erosion are controlled with contouring
  • Water is placed to maximize absorption and minimize runoff
  • Metered use is reported to water agencies & authorities

Reducing Fertilizer & Pesticide Use

Limiting Pesticides, Fungicides & Herbicides

Reducing Chemical Usage

lady bug

Bat Houses

Help reduce pesticide use in orchard

Bats Help Reduce Pesticide Usage

Bats consume a massive amount of insects and help us reduce the volume of pesticides needed to sustain our pecan crop.

  • We draw on a nearby population of Brazilian free-tailed bats and other species
  • New bat houses encourage more on-site population
  • This is our 2nd year with bat houses and the bats are active in increased numbers
  • Bat studies including DNA testing) are underway to map species and type of insect consumption (e.g. evening and free-tailed bats identified so far)

Bat House

Comal Pecan Farm maintains several bat houses specially designed to keep bats safe and away from preditors.

Bat researcher with bat in hand


We continually study our bat population. This includes DNA studies to confirm bat species.

In addition, we are studying the insect diet of bats to understand which specific insect species they help us control.

Bat house with bats emerging

Emerging Bats

At dusk, bats emerge from the safety of their house and begin their search for insects.

Building Healthy Soil



Our goal in soil management is to move away from heavy use of fertilizers and add micronutrients to improve the soil.

  • Stop using 19-9-3 Ammonium Sulfate & replace with micronutrients
  • Slow targeted release of N, P, K, L-amino acids, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Zinc, Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Moly
  • Promotes micro-organism growth and soil health
  • Provides efficient potassium, calcium, phosphorous and sulfur nutrition
  • Enhances nitrogen metabolism
  • Reduces runoff of N and P into the environment

Promote Biodiversity

No Till

Ground Cover



Store Carbon in our orchards

Adding Biochar

Adding biochar to existing soil is known to improve plant health. Biochar helps by neutralising acidity and improving retention of water and nutrients.

Learn More About Biochar
Soil testing container

Soil Sampling

We use the Haney Test to help us determine our soil's health. Samples are collected through out the orchard.

Haney Test

A sample of our recent Haney Test results.

Learn More About the Haney Test

Healthier Soil With


Sustain the Farm Economically

Reducing Farm Costs

Controlling costs in an environment plagued with high inflation and supply issues is critical to the success of the small farmer. Sustainable Agricultural techniques offer hope in controlling costs by reducing the costs of chemicals, managing water usage and improve crop yields.


Farm Economics

Treating Our Workers Fairly

Our Staff


Conducting Soil Health Research

Researcher with Clip Board Cartoon figure

Measuring Results


Research Studies

Soil sample test data
Soil testing container


Soil Health